
Monday, March 24, 2025

The Vespa Everyday Athlete Series - Christian

Series Background

This series is meant to highlight 'every day' athletes that have had success achieving their goals using Vespa. Meaning, you don't just have to take my word for it!

As a Vespa ambassador (and coach), I love sharing and living vicariously through the success of others! Please use my code (RunRovertRun15) if you're interested in trying out Vespa products!

A Few Words About Christian

Christian has been a fellow adventurer for nearly 15 years and we've spent a lot of time on the trails together. He is an avid supporter of my bad (athletic) ideas (e.g., races, hiking, camping, etc) and is never afraid to join the adventuring fun.

For example, we're both headed to Europe this summer (along with 5 others) to tackle the iconic Mont Blanc trail that navigates through Switzerland, France and Spain šŸ¤Æ 6 days, 103+ miles and 30,000+ feet of climbing.

Over the years, Christian's racing maturity has paralleled my own but I had not paid close attention to his nutrition protocol. It was about the same time I became a Vespa ambassador that we started talking more about how our OFM lifestyles aligned and applied to our trail running adventures.

His racing success has been great to watch. He makes OFM look easy!

In His Own Words

Tell us a little bit about your personal and professional life.

I was born and raised in Montana before settling down here in Arizona 20 years ago. Iā€™m a dad to two boys that I have been blessed with the opportunity of coaching in cross country and track.  I have a love for being outdoors.  I believe life is an adventure and my passion, in general, has led me to many different places and professions.

What is your favorite running distance?

My favorite running distance is the 100k.  There are some spectacular 100ks out there! With that distance, you can see a lot of beautiful country.  

What big goal(s) have you set for yourself?

I enjoy races where you are at elevation and with a lot of climbing or vertical gain.  Some race goals I have planned in the future are The Speedgoat in Utah, The Rut in Montana, and The Beaverhead in Idaho.  My two big bucket list goals are the Western States Endurance Run and The Coastal Challenge in Costa Rica.  

How strictly do you follow OFM (Optimized Fat Metabolism) protocols in your daily life?

Iā€™ve enjoyed eating clean with a high fat/protein emphasis for 17 years now.  However, as a matter of routine, my body maintains a steady blood sugar level with intermittent fasting.  My first meal typically is between noon or 1:00.  This allows me to be more casual with my carbs as I do enjoy my carbs!  

Why did you start using Vespa?

I love being fat metabolized especially for running endurance races.  Having my body burn fat more efficiently is very important to my philosophy and diet, so Vespa was an obvious win for me! 

How do you see Vespa helping you reach your goal(s)?

I love how noticeable my body reacts to Vespa. I have found that my mind stays much clearer when I am out there for hours and hours, I donā€™t feel as fatigued, and my leg strength can last the entire duration of the race or whatever adventure I am on.

What are the top 3 benefits you see while using Vespa?

Three benefits I experience are no head fog, a lot more energy, and less fatigue.

Any advice for others looking to adopt OFM and/or Vespa into their endurance training?

Stick with it long enough for your body to adjust.  It is an incredible feeling to not get those crazy hunger pains or big energy crashes from the highs and lows of erratic blood sugar levels.  That same constant energy with little highs or lows is what you will experience when training or racing for hours!

Avid cyclist

Ironman finisher
Kilimanjaro summit

Monday, February 17, 2025

The Vespa Everyday Athlete Series - Joe & Caitlin

Series Background

As a Vespa ambassador for over 3 years now, I am constantly amazed at both the people and sports where they find success. You don't have to be an elite or world-class athlete to achieve the benefits of Vespa or an optimized fat metabolism (OFM) lifestyle.

This series is meant to highlight 'every day' athletes that have had success achieving their goals using Vespa. Meaning, you don't just have to take my word for it!

As a Vespa ambassador (and coach), I love sharing and living vicariously through the success of others! Please use my code (RunRovertRun15) if you're interested in trying out Vespa products!


A Few Words About Joe & Caitlin

I freely admit that I don't know Joe and Caitlin as well as I would like to! We've bumped into each other at various races and group runs. They've consulted with me on local trails, training, nutrition tips and other random running topics but it's obvious to me that they truly love being outdoors and immersing themselves in LIFE!

They have been popular figures in our running community over the last 2 years simply because they are both engagingly positive people, transparent, friendly, honest and enthusiastic about running. You will not find two more authentic people! Not to mention, they're both achieving great things (personally and athletically) through perseverance, hard work and positivity.

It's hard to find one without the other which is why I decided to feature them together. They support and lift eachother up in so many ways that I hope it's equally as inspirational for you to meet them and learn more.

If you're interested in working with Caitlin for trauma release and nervous system healing I'd encourage you to schedule time with her at My Lucid Life.

*PS, using Vespa does not guarantee you will have abs like Joe šŸ˜† lol

In Their Own Words

Tell us a little bit about your personal and professional lives

Caitlin (43): I am the wife of Apache Joe and mother to 3 kids. I am an energy worker specializing in trauma release and nervous system healing. In my spare time you can find me running the trails with my husband.

Joe (42): "AKA, Apache Joe" is husband to Caitlin - who is like a modern Dr Quinn - and father to 3 kiddos ranging from age 13 to 7. I ran track in college 25 years ago and hung up the spikes for depression medicationsā€¦until 5 years ago. Wife changed my diet and my life became something beautiful.

Why did you start using Vespa?

Caitlin: Almost a year ago I became fat adapted and needed a good fueling option for long runs and races.

Joe: I was scared to death of my first 100 miler (Javelina). I had never run that distance before and was unsure if it was possible.

How strictly do you follow OFM (Optimized Fat Metabolism) protocols in your daily life?

Caitlin: I cycle through ketosis and carbs. I typically eat very low to no carb 4 days per week and add carbs in for 3 days. My goal is to always be able to go back into ketosis with my next meal and to wake up that way each morning.

Joe: I usually try to fast a couple days while sticking in ketosis for the most part, with clean carbs on a few of the other days. 

What is your favorite running distance?

Caitlin: Iā€™m still too new to running to know. Iā€™ve been playing with every distance from 5k's to 50k's and as long as Iā€™m on a trail, Iā€™m happy!

Joe: The one where there is someone next to me pushing my limits. I love putting on the spikes for the 400m but also like hunkering down for a long 100 mile race. I love competingā€¦I love running fast.

What big goal(s) have you set for yourself this year?

Caitlin: Iā€™m running Copper Corridor 50k in February. It is the most gorgeous run! Last year I placed second to last so Iā€™m looking forward to seeing where a year of training has gotten me. I will also be running my very first 50 miler in the fall. So that feels a little insane and exciting!

Joe: I was invited to run for Team USA at the Worlds Masters track meet in FL this March for the 800m. Iā€™m currently 12th in the US but hope to get even higher. Iā€™m also running the Lost Dutchman Marathon with a mouthful of water to promote nose breathing. This will be the 2nd year Iā€™ve done this.

How do you see Vespa helping you reach your goal(s)?

Caitlin: I call Vespa rocket fuel. I have always struggled with fueling during runs. I don't feel good choking down a lot of the gels. Vespa is the first product that I noticed a huge return on energy. My runs could go so much longer and I feel so much stronger.

Joe: If it is anything like it helped at Javelina, itā€™s my secret weapon. I was not a fan of fueling on my long runs, especially races. The last thing I want to do is eat when thereā€™s a finish line to cross. But with Vespa, I can empty a packet and a minute later Iā€™m back to buzzing along on the trail. It feels like an extra life playing video gamesā€¦itā€™s that great!

What are the top 3 benefits you see while using Vespa?

Caitlin: (1) Increased Energy (2) Increased strength (3) Increased distance without falling over dead.

Joe: (1) Insane energy (2) Easy to run with (3) Meeting other amazing athletes in the endurance community.

What advice would you give others looking to adopt OFM and/or Vespa into their (endurance) training?

Caitlin: The first month feels rotten. Your body feels like it has no power. But if you stick with it, it might be the best you have ever felt! I honestly can't imagine going back and think everyone could benefit from a flexible metabolism. Vespa has been a game changer for leveling up my runs! 

Joe: Stick with it, at first it can be difficult making the OFM [keto] switch. Once you do, itā€™ll be worth itā€¦and once you get on the other side, Vespa is waiting to help. Rocket fuel!!!

Friday, January 24, 2025

The Vespa Everyday Athlete Series - Julie

Series Background

I became a Vespa ambassador nearly 3 years ago after having great success with the product. It completely changed my training routine, my daily nutritional intake and how I viewed endurance activities based on carbohydrates.

This series will highlight other athletes in my community that have had success achieving their goals using Vespa. Meaning, you don't just have to take my word for it!

As a Vespa ambassador, I love to share these experiences and insights with others.

A Few Words About Julie

First I want to thank her for taking the time to share her experience with me!

I first met Julie through the San Tan Trail Runners where she would often supplement her road marathon training with some casual miles on the trail. She is a wonderfully genuine person who rarely scoffs at those early morning miles and always seems to have a smile on her face.

It's been wonderful to watch her successes (and race distances!) build over the years.

You can find her at Endurance Mobility Coaching if you want to learn more or work with her on your goals šŸ˜

(Also, she's also being modest about her WIN (F1) in the 24-hour event at Across the Years! She was amazing.)

In Her Own Words

Tell us a little bit about your personal and professional life.

Javelina Jundred
Iā€™m a mom of 6 children ages 16-26. I always said I wasnā€™t a runner. In 2010 my friend & I started walking in the mornings. Then she started challenging me to ā€œrun to that signā€ or ā€œrun to the corner.ā€ This was my start to running.

In 2012 I learned about Ragnar Relays and Disney Races, which made running/racing sound fun. So in 2013 I signed up for my first 10K Disney race and my first Ragnar Trail race. Since then I ā€œcaught the bugā€ so to speak and have participated in a variety of events including over 50 marathons, a 50K, 100K, and most recently a 24 hour event where I logged 101.4 miles.

I will run the Boston Marathon for the 5th time this year, gaining entry by qualifying each time. Professionally I freelance as an editor for novels and work at our local running store, Queen Creek Running Company. I also have a few running, nutrition, and personal training clients on the side.

Why did you start using Vespa?

I started using Vespa in 2023 when I was training for my first 100K at Javelina Jundred. I had started a nutrition plan that involves carb cycling and metabolic flexibility. As my long runs became longer, I found I was struggling with waning energy at the end. 

My running friend (Trevor Davenport) recommended Vespa and after learning more about it, I thought it would work well with my overall nutrition and exercise plans. I started using Vespa Jr (since I am small) and it was exactly what I needed to prevent the energy lag towards the end of my long runs. It works well with my daily nutrition as well.

ATY 24-hour F1

How strictly do you follow OFM (Optimized Fat Metabolism) protocols in your daily life?

I log my food most every day, monitoring my macro intake. I have a device that helps me monitor my metabolism and I continue to carb cycle, alternating between low, medium, and high carb days. I focus more on my fat intake than ever before ā€“ one of the unexpected benefits of this change was that I found I hadnā€™t been getting enough fat in my diet.

Now that I am getting enough fat, the GI issues I had struggled with for years have almost completely disappeared. There are days that I donā€™t strictly adhere to my recommended macros for reasons such as travel, holidays etc. Those days I feel the difference. But I just pick up again the next day and get back to my healthy habits. One day of poor nutrition choices doesnā€™t need to be the start of a bad habit.

What is your favorite running distance?

I love the marathon distance. Itā€™s the perfect ā€œchallengeā€ distance for me as I know I can cover the distance, but doing it well ā€“ at a competitive pace without bonking at the end ā€“ is something that I have to properly train for.

What big goal(s) have you set for yourself this year?

Last year was a big year for me ā€“ ran 9 marathons between January & June so I could hit 50 marathons before my 50th birthday. I also ran my first 24 hour event and completed my first 100 mile distance. So, this year Iā€™m taking a little step back to let my body recover and rebuild. So, I donā€™t have any ā€œbigā€ goals this year other than getting another Boston qualifying time to be able to participate again in 2026.

How do you see Vespa helping you reach your goal(s)?

Vespa is my go-to fuel for distance events. Anything 13 miles or over I am using Vespa. I recently started using the ultra concentrate & Iā€™m learning how to make that work best for my body.

Rim to Rim to Rim

What are the top 3 benefits you see while using Vespa?

Consistent energy during endurance events, supports metabolic flexibility & allows my body to use fat more efficiently, supports a healthy body composition and nutrition.

What advice would you give others looking to adopt OFM and/or Vespa into their (endurance) training?

Since I had already started adopting a nutrition plan that supports metabolic flexibility when I started using Vespa, I had a seamless transition. I feel like the two go hand-in-hand. For Vespa to be most effective, you need to train your metabolism to efficiently use both carbs and fats for fuel. For most people, this means adjusting your nutrition plan. So, Iā€™d recommend getting with a nutrition coach who understands and embraces a metabolically flexible nutrition plan and to begin repairing your metabolism prior to incorporating Vespa into your endurance fueling strategy.

First Boston Marathon

Saturday, December 28, 2024

The Bright Side of Injury - a 2024 recap

Athletically, 2024 was (mostly) a bust.

I've been dealing with plantar fasciitis since late May and have spent a good chunk of the year feeling sorry for myself and getting rounder in the mid-section. When such a huge part of your identity is running and adventuring, it can be mentally and physically challenging to stay true to your authentic self while you try to stay grounded for your family, friends and others who depend on you.

Dealing with injury requires patience, humility and new hobbies. It's good to remind yourself that athletics aren't always everything. There is so much more to life and plenty of other adventures that await.

I want to thank Vespa Power Products for continuing to believe in me just like I believe in their products. Vespa truly has changed my athletic outlook and simplified my endurance nutrition. I'm truly happy to be back as an ambassador for 2025.

If you're tired of crashing during races and would like to recover faster from training reach out and let's talk about how YOU can optimize the single greatest fuel source your body already has...FAT! It's clean. It's (nearly) limitless. It's natural.

Athletic Adventures

If you read any of my previous posts you would see that I was on the Western States waitlist and essentially training as if I would get my number called for the race in June. My training started off well but that's when laziness, age and the lack of self-care came to blows. The onset of plantar fasciitis and the slowness of the waitlist led me to withdraw from Western States. It turns out my place in the waitlist did not get drawn but I managed to have some fun regardless.

Fellow Vespa Athlete Jeff Browning

A fun 50k in Pine

  • February
    • 10th annual Hom 100 charity run/walk
    • Aravaipa Canyon hike/camping trip
  • March
    • Grand Canyon Rim to River
  • April
    • Hiking parts of the AZT
    • San Tan Sinister 27k
  • May
    • Pine Trail Run (50k)
    • Elden Crest 38 mile
  • June
    • Mt Baldy hike/adventure

Family Adventures

I have always told the athletes I coach that typically injuries are a blessing. Primarily, it's your body telling you to fuck off because you're pushing too hard. Second, the break provides some much-needed re-focusing of your energy to those things you've either neglected or wouldn't have done otherwise.

I am REALLY tired of being injured but looking back on my year, I truly am thankful for it because otherwise I would not have:

  • Helped plan my eldest's 21st birthday party
  • Helped plan my youngest's 18th birthday party
  • Celebrated my youngest graduating high school
  • Gone to Vegas 3 times this year! Birthdays! Formula 1 with my son! Garth Brooks concert!
  • Tried pilates classes for the first time
  • Gone overlanding for 10 days through NM, CO and UT
  • Visited Washington DC with my wife
  • Volunteered for 10 days at the Grand to Grand Ultra
  • Crewed and volunteered at the Kodiak 100k
  • Gone to concerts
    • Daughtry
    • Cyndi Lauper
    • Dead & Company
  • Volunteered with ALS Arizona
Youngest's graduation
NM/CO overlanding trip
Grand to Grand volunteering
DC with my wife

That's just a fraction of the things I was able to do while not being focused on running or training. Seasons will change - you can either resist the change or flow with it...

2025 Outlook

The coming year is already filled with big plans! I'm positive this injury will clear up soon and I'll be back to that training life. Yeah!

First, being selected as a Vespa ambassador again is amazing - it's a tough spot being injured and trying to promote a product you're passionate about. I was worried I had not done enough to be invited back...

Combining 2 things I'm passionate about! Vespa and G2G ā¤ļø

Second, my love and participation in the Grand to Grand Ultra continues to bear fruit. I'm lucky enough to be a featured coach for this race and will be the new 2025 Race Commissioner! These are big shoes to fill but I'll do my best and have fun at this years race.

Lastly, I've set into motion a bucket list adventure that will take place in mid-June. Details to come but holy shit is it going to be amazing!

Epic adventure loading...

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Western States Waitlist Woes

You've struggled. You've raced the qualifiers. You've hoarded those tickets. You've waited YEARS to hear your name get called during that live lottery drawing in Auburn.

Those fateful 300 names get called and yet again, you're not one of them. Womp womp! Western States clearly doesn't want any of my 64 tickets.

There's still the waitlist though!

75 more chances to redeem yourself!

You hear your name! Wahoo! Glorious joy and thanking the heavens begins šŸ™šŸ¼ Glasses clink šŸ„‚ Friends are ecstatic and lining up to pace and/or crew.

What spot? Number #52 on the waitlist.

Is that good? It's good right?! Sure, you'll be good...

While there is a certain satisfaction knowing you're on the waitlist for one of the most iconic races in the world, there is also the reality of where you fall on that waitlist. Everyone points out that 2 years ago, all 75 people on the waitlist got entry into the race. This is an anomaly to be sure but it gives one hope right?

After the lottery is over and the pats on the back have calmed down, you begin your daily (mildly-obsessive) routine of watching and refreshing the waitlist page.

For whatever reason, you expect athletes to drop like flies once the horror, logistics and money-pit-of-a-race it is sinks in. But watching the waitlist get updated is like watching paint dry or grass grow.


You might think this happens quickly in the weeks or months following the lottery but you'd be wrong (see graph below). Presently, there are only 13 people that have been removed/entered into the race for 2024.

Historically speaking (yes, I'm the nerd who created this Excel graph) you can see that April through June are when a majority of people figure out they're not ready for the big dance.

Waitlist changes per month

Cumulative drops by month

So what's it all mean?

Starting with the basics - the average number of people coming off the waitlist is 60 if you average back to 2017. Good news when you're #52.

That's really where the good news ends and the BS begins. You're essentially straddling the fence of being in or out of Western States. Meaning, you have to be prepared for both racing Western or not (which means you still need a qualifying run).

Preparing to run Western States

  1. I've put money down on lodging in both Olympic Valley and Auburn (partial refund policy)
  2. I'll have to drive or fly in California (partially refundable)
  3. I have to convince crew and pacers to be on 'standby' for traveling to the race
Preparing to Qualify (Again)
  1. I have already paid for a qualifying race (non-refundable)
  2. I'll have to drive/fly to the race (partially refundable)
  3. I'll have to find/book housing for this race (partially refundable)
Bottom-line, being on the WSER waitlist means you're throwing away money one way or another.

"Oh, that's gonna hurt. Maybe I shouldn't do it"? said no ultra-runner EVER šŸ˜‚

Current State

As of the 15th of April, there are still 38 souls in front of me (e.g., 13 people have come off the waitlist). It feels more like it's going to happen than before so I've really started to pick up the training and get serious.

I really hope it's my time for the big dance.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Grand to Grand...Choices

It's the holiday season and I've been inundated with other priorities so this article has taken much longer to write than I'd hoped. With the holidays inching closer now, the work scene has slowed enough to jot some things down before another year comes and goes (like my memory these days!). I also started putting together a 2023 G2G scrapbook and it got my creative juices flowing again.

I think it will be a long time before I forget about this experience - the people, places and sheer passion you draw on as a participant. There are times when I wish I hadn't waited so long to register for this race but honestly, my timing was perfect. I could not have imagined a better experience both in my training, gear and race choices.

My goal with this post is to share some choices I made for my 2023 G2G experience. None of them will make-or-break your time on course - hell, you might not even known there were decisions to be made in some of these categories! If nothing else, they'll give you some things to think about in the overall scheme of how you plan to tackle the race. Given this was my first self-supported stage race, I resolved to only control what I could and have a flexible mind-set to problem-solve anything else that might come up.


TOF = 5 hours
The primary focus should be time on feet (TOF). You can see my Strava posts for the final 3-day training block before G2G.

The secondary thing to focus on during training is to use as much actual race gear as you can. This includes the exact shirt, shorts, socks, shoes, pack (including weight!), water bottles and most importantly race-day food.

Bonus points if you're able to camp out during these training blocks. I routinely camped while training to ensure I could navigate all my camping-specific gear, camp food, recovery drinks and clothing choices just like you'll have to do at G2G.

I cover these and many other training topics during my Grand to Grand podcast. Check it out here.

TOF = 7 hours

TOF = 7 hours


I'm sure there's room for debate here but I made the decision early on not to bring any electronics at all. No phone, no Garmin - nothing. My reasoning included:

  • I truly wanted to be disconnected for the week
  • I did not want the extra weight
  • Any device would require charging, i.e. more weight
  • I did not want to deal with electronics and sand
  • My pack did not have a convenient place to store a phone
  • I wanted to focus on a successful race, not selfies
  • My pictures never quite capture the grandeur of the moment

I paid for the photo package offered by the race and I would 100% do it again. Anastasia Wilde was our photographer and took some amazing shots of both the race and me.


Sleep pad

Bottom-line, use what works for you. While I don't have an accordion-style sleeping pad, I've captured some pros and cons based on my own usage of an inflatable pad (Therma-a-rest Neoair Uberlite) and what I witnessed/spoke about with my tent-mates (who all had foam pads).

Pros Cons
Foam pad
  • Puncture-resistant
  • Lower price
  • Quick setup/breakdown time
  • Used on ground and tent
  • Bulky, carried on pack (snags on trees)
  • Decreased comfort?
  • Lower insulation (R-value)
  • Increased comfort?
  • Higher insulation (R-value)
  • Smaller footprint
  • Fits in pack
  • Higher price
  • Possible punctures (patch kit required)
  • Longer setup/breakdown time
  • Noisier


Despite having the Gossamer Gear thinlite pad underneath my inflatable sleeping pad, there were days where the tent was filled with stickers from the Russian thistle. I was afraid of a puncture. I compensated by putting my inflatable sleeping pad inside my sleeping bag to prevent punctures.

Sleep is super-important in your recovery at G2G so whatever you choose, make sure it's the right thing for you. I'm a side-sleeper as well so something inflatable is a must for me. Also consider where you'll be finishing each day. Does an easy deployment take precedent over comfort? Personally, it was worth an extra 3 minutes to blow up my pad each day and only took 3-5 minutes each morning to deflate, rollup and pack away.

As you can see, I had a very streamlined pack without anything strapped to the outside.


This has to be one of the THE most important categories to think about when it comes to your G2G adventure. Similar to what I tell the athletes I coach, there is no silver bullet. Do what works for you and don't be swayed but what others are doing. Having said that however, YOU MUST TRY THEM to know what does or doesn't work for you. Numerous other athletes were genuinely excited about the prospect of a particular meal each night but were ultimately revolted by the smell and/or taste of it because they had never tried it prior to the race.

My goal here is to offer up some thoughts on handling food during the race and not sway you with certain products (except one). This includes both real food, racing food and a couple topics in between.

Breakfast, Dinner and Recovery Calories

Real chicken and biscuits

Ensure you have a variety of meals available to you. Alternate flavors and textures whenever possible. It's very easy to get fatigued over the same bar, oatmeal or spaghetti dinner if you have it every day. Also consider bringing recovery (liquid) calories on top of dinner calories. It's easy to argue that recovery drinks don't help a ton but it is important that you continue drinking fluids once you get back to camp. This forcing function helps reduce the number of meals you need to pack per day and ensures you're staying hydrated.

My only food recommendation: Pinnacle Foods

In all my searching, this Montana-based company produces small-batch freeze-dried meals that (1) are the highest calorie-per-ounce I've found (nearly 150 cal/ounce), (2) have vegetarian and meat options, (3) are single serving and (4) have ingredients you can pronounce.

Everyone in Tent 5 was envious of my meal selection each night šŸ¤¤ Especially the Thai Green Chili Curry.

Vacuum packing

I chose to vacuum-seal all my primary meals to save both on space and weight. You save approximately 2 ounces per meal when vacuum-packing and gain more space in your pack. It's extra work but can save you up to a pound in food weight!

Note: Vacuum-sealed food is dense and hurts when rubbing on your back for nearly 7 hours. Placement in your pack is critical!

You may need to crush down your dehydrated food to vacuum pack it

Meal Preparation

I saved one of the Pinnacle retort/food bags and reused it each night for my freeze-dried meals. I would cut my vacuum-packed meal open, dump it in the retort bag, add hot water (measured using my Sea to Summit x-series silicone cup). After accounting for the altitude, most of my meals were perfectly cooked/heated...which was far better than most.

If you're considering using Ziplock bags or the ultra-light foldable bowls...honestly, don't. The last thing you want is to get into camp after 7-10 hours on your feet and have a shitty meal of crunchy pasta or rice that somewhat tastes like chili or chicken teriyaki.

High-quality well-prepared meals not only keep your belly full but there is something mentally satisfying when the food is savory, delicious and hot!!

Trail food vs. Racing Food

Early in my training, I assumed an adventure like this called for "trail food". I was relying on nut butters, trail mix, bars and anything else that was calorically dense. However, a month out I came to the conclusion that I could not sustain these types of food throughout a long day or running/hiking. Even on my longest training days I was moving at 14-15 miles per hour and choking down dry, dense and salty foods was just not working for me.

I won't discourage anyone from bring "trail food" but I would emphasis racing food more...gels, chews and anything else you would normally use in a race. But then again, use what works for you. By day 2, I had figured out that trail food was best consumed in the morning hours before the heat and dehydration started to set in. Beyond that, race food and liquid calories were the clear winners for me.

Here's how I would structure my calories next time:

Morning - trail food (nuts, bars, oatmeal)

Afternoon - race food (gels, chews, liquid calories)

Evening - liquid calories (BCAA's, Tailwind recovery)


Water Bottles

It's undeniable that most stage racing packs (and runners) lean toward the typical bottle with the extended straw and bite-style tip. I purchased numerous versions of these including the Race The Planet and Raidlight bottles. They are quality products but I chose NOT to use them for G2G for 3 reasons that I discovered during my training:
  1. They have a release valve on top that makes mixing recovery drinks a huge mess
  2. It is virtually impossible to squirt water onto yourself (for cooling purposes)
  3. The SIS bottle is nearly 900 mL (more than enough to meet minimum requirement)
Staying cool is paramount for desert races and one of those methods is to use your allotment of water to squirt on yourself (neck, arm sleeves, buff, etc). 

Use this šŸ‘šŸ½

Not This šŸ‘ŽšŸ½


This is 100% personal preference. I trained with poles (both uphill and downhill) and distinctly remember a quote from one of the G2G Zoom calls..."Days 1-3 I carried my poles but on days 4-7, my poles carried me"

I don't regret bringing or using my poles.


Again, personal preference here but from another G2G Zoom call quote, "make sure you love your pack". I started with the Raidlight Ultralight trail running vest but after a few training runs, I could tell it wasn't right for me. I switched to the USWE Hajker Adventure Daypack about a month before the race and did not regret it at all. The unique x-style chest harness and waist belt were exactly the right fit and helped prevent any bouncing (which limits the amount of chaffing).

The x-style straps of the Hajker pack made bib placement a bit tricky


I never taped my body (shoulders) while training and ended up regretting getting my shoulders taped pre-race. It ended up chaffing my chest and causing blisters. During the race, I was mindful of anywhere that was rubbing and would stop to tape them but only as necessary. Definitely bring tape and have it handy at all times.


As an avid camper and through-hiker, I'm used to relying on a single set of clothes for multi-day trips. Clothes add weight. In my opinion, having (1) a set of running clothes and (2) a set of camp clothes is the best approach to G2G. I brought a small bottle of camp soap to wash my running clothes daily but sometimes this isn't always possible depending on what time you finish. There was one morning I had to slip on wet shorts because they did not have enough time to dry.

Running clothes
Camp clothes

OTC Medications

Admittedly, I brought a small pharmacy with me. I was less concerned about the day-to-day aches and pains of the miles but rather the post-run issues I tend to experience. I personally have a hard time sleeping after 5-7 hours on my feet AND I get congested. Consult your doctor when it comes to NSAID's and Ibuprofen but for me, the key OTC medications were a decongestant and a sleep aid (everyone will have a snoring tent-mate!)

Foot Care

If there is one thing the race directors and past participants pound into your head it's foot care. Do not underestimate the amount of sand you'll be dealing with at G2G! The dunes are one thing but generally speaking, nearly every stage has sand to navigate.

I've trained and raced with toe socks for nearly 20 years and literally am that guy who never gets blisters. I chose not to wear gaiters for the race except for the long stage - even then, I did not put them on until CP6 (right before the dunes). At the finish line I had a minor blister on my heal and pinky toe because of all the hiking and unevenness of the sandy terrain.

(Why no gaiters? For starters, I don't train with them - never have. Second, I believe that gaiters actually hold moisture in the shoe which creates the ideal environment for developing blisters, not preventing them!)

I chose to bring 3 pairs of toe socks (vacuum-packed!) for the race. I knew I would need to re-use a couple during the week but again, quite easy with the camp soap. I also brought small expandable camp wipes to ensure my feet were clean each night before getting into my sleeping bag.


Don't underestimate the heat in the high desert! Even this kid from Phoenix who is used to training in 110+ F had a hard time being pounded by the high desert sun on the first couple of days.

I recommend a Buff (around the neck) and cooling sleeves. They will keep you warm in the morning and then you can get them wet in the afternoon to keep you cool. The volunteers are great at spritzing you with a water bottle but that evaporates 3 minutes after you leave the check point.

I also recommend calf sleeves (compression is optional). The over-growth of Russian Thistle between a number of checkpoint tore my shins to a bloody pulp. Also handy for navigating through all the overgrowth areas. They also double as clothing you can get wet to help you stay cool. Not to mention the really cool tan lines they'll produce by the end of the race šŸ˜‚ lol

(Funny G2G story: By day 2 the high-desert heat had fried my legs pretty good. No amount of sun block would help so I re-purposed my cooling arm sleeves and turned them into protective leg sleeves! Additionally, they helped a TON in those over-growth areas.)

Final Thoughts

Generally speaking, all of these topics can be considered individually when it comes to participating in Grand to Grand but I would also suggest you look at the macro picture as well. It will help guide which of these topics will be more or less important to you depending on how you want (think) your race will go.

Hanging at the G2G cafe

For example:

  1. What is your estimated 50k finish time?
    • A 7-hour finish means it's still light (hot) out
      • Less time, less calories
      • No headlamp needed
      • Time to wash/dry clothes
      • Time to clean your feet
      • Time to set up sleep pad/bag
      • Time to eat
      • Medical tent access
    • A 13-hour finish means it's dusk (cooler)
      • More time, more calories
      • Headlamp, additional batteries/charger?
      • Need warmer clothing more accessible
      • Limited medical tent access
  2. How well do you tolerate 7-10 hours in the heat/desert?
    • Do you have an electrolyte strategy (salt tabs v. drinks v. salty food)?
    • Do you need a variety of calories and textures (bars v. gels v. liquids)?
    • What sun protection do you need (sunblock, clothing)?

I am also a big fan of checklists.

First, for the end of the stage. Take the final :30/:60 minutes before you finish each stage and assess the top 3 things you need to take care of once you cross the finish line for the day. Once all the cheering dies down, just do those things without hesitation. Otherwise, you'll sit down (crash) in the tent and not want to get back up!

Secondly, make that checklist for the top 3 things you need to do in preparation for the next stage. Do those things either before you go to bed or before packing up in the morning. Otherwise, your groggy and fatigued mental state will go on cruise control and you'll forget something. These things have a tendency to pile up over time and create bigger issues later in the race.

7 OA, 1 AG (50-59)

Hopefully between this blog and the amazing G2G podcasts being published from other race veterans you'll have no problem making great choices and figuring how your Grand to Grand adventure is going to play out.

Best of luck and stay safe out there!

(Maybe, just maybe, I'll see you out there in 2024) šŸ˜‰