
Friday, May 18, 2012

Does a body good

I was telling my wife last night that it's still hard for me to imagine putting in more mileage than what I'm doing today. I'm not even at the peak of my training and yet, I'm just plain tired.

T.I.D.E. (as Etta would say).

I'm on track for about 65 miles this week but honestly, it feels like a billion. I have to keep reminding myself that I have no basis for comparison...I've never run this much in my life. I had a general idea that it would be hard, but running for 5-7 days in a row is plenty for me. I know what my training schedule says, but it can suck it. I know when to push and when to rest.

Today, I'm resting. And i don't feel bad about it at all.

I didn't do squat because of work last week so the 'jump' in mileage is somewhat artificial. I've got 20 planned on the trail tomorrow morning. My hope is to get that done in about 3.5-4 hours.

The Black Hills 100(k) isn't that far off and I really need to feel better about tackling that distance in the next 5 weeks. I feel feel much better prepared over last year but I am afraid of getting punished by all the elevation change in South Dakota...10,831' of gain to be exact. That is a lot of ouch time.

Thanks for reading.

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