
Monday, March 19, 2012

The first week

This first week of training I'm discovering just how challenging it's going to be to find a balance between life, weather and the time I need to spend on the trails.

What the hail?!
If I wanted to artificially inflate my weekly miles, I'd include the Mesquite Canyon 50k last Sunday...but I won't. Reality can be cruel.

If my week goes from Monday to Sunday - then I logged 35.81 miles (24.13 running, 11.68 cycling). Had I gotten in my long run yesterday, my total running miles would be closer to 37. Mother nature wasn't having it though. As you can see, hail combined with rain and wind pretty much crushed any hope of making it outside.

The silver-lining of the week is that I dusted off the road bike, laced up my new shoes and started riding again.

Hello, cross-training.

Let's hope Week 2 stays on track.

Week 2 expected miles = 54

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